Post by looney on May 26, 2013 22:16:13 GMT -5
PERSONALITY:amberstar is very mature and well-developed. she's never been the type to ever get overexcited or very enthusiastic about much of anything, even as a kit. most would consider her very laid back, and while that may be true, she has a no-nonsense air about her, and she lets cats know it very quickly. even though she doesn't try to show prejudice, she has a soft spot for kits, always letting them get away with more than they really should. to say the least, she has a very motherly aura about her. of course she tries to be lenient with all of her clan mates, unless they really give her a reason not to.
amberstar is a very trusting cat, and doesn't like to believe things about others unless she is either given very solid proof or has seen it with her own eyes. once somecat loses her trust, it's very hard to get it back, and you could say she's a lot harder on them then usual, not to mention colder. some have even seen her change completely right before their eyes when somecat that's lost her trust has come around. of course amberstar would never do something to deliberately get somecat in trouble when she doesn't like them, she feels like she's above things like that.
as for the clan and religious aspect of amberstar, well... it's kind of hard to describe. don't get me wrong, amberstar would give her life without thinking about it for her clan or a clan mate, and she loves it with all her heart. she also knows and follows the warrior code by heart, never once having broken it. as for the believing in starclan, well, amberstar believes and all, she's just not all that religious. she's only gone to starclan two or three times in her whole life, asking for help, and anything else she needed she either relied on herself or on a clan mates help. she's just always found it easier to rely on somecat she knows and trusts rather then something she's never even seen or talked to.
HISTORY:born in early leaf-fall, as soon as amberkit and her siblings were born most were scared of losing them. even though it was so early in leaf-fall, the winds thrashed out wildly, and every cat that could smell a mouse a whisker length away from them knew that snow was on it's way. soon.
amberkit had two other siblings, one she-cat and one tom. to say the least, she felt like the oddball of the litter, being the runt of the litter, and not looking anything like her snowy white mother, brother, and sister. "you look like your father," her mother would always say. "an amber tabby that, even though so small, could take down a badge with one swipe of their paw!" of course the sentence was over exaggerated by a lot, it made amberkit feel better about the situation, if only for a little while.
because the kits were born in early leaf-fall, they were a few moons old when leaf-bare finally came. it wasn't as bad as everybody thought it would be. yes, it snowed a lot, and yes, there wasn't much prey to go around the camp, but it seemed to be just like any other leaf-bare. except for when whitecough spread through the camp. it wasn't too bad, and the medicine cat at the time took care of all the sick cats, and nursed them back to health. there was just one kit who couldn't get better; spottedkit, amberkit's sister. within just a quarter-moon her illness got worse, and she was moved to the medicine cat den, diagnosed with greencough. within another quarter-moon, she passed.
fernclaw, amberkit's mother, tried to stay strong for her other two remaining kits. luckily, they hadn't caught the sickness, and just to be sure, the medicine cat gave them herbs just in case. fernclaw mourned her lost cat, but soon got over it, realizing that she had two other kits depending on her. she would be okay.
everybody was always put off with amberkit, considering she acted nothing like a normal kit should. the medicine cat even came to check her a few times, checking to see if anything was wrong with her hearing, seeing, or if she just wasn't quite right. of course they would never find anything, well, besides four tiny claw marks in their pelt. even though amberkit was small, she put up quite a fight, and some even considered her feisty. but, at the same time, she never would play with the other kits in the nursery or her siblings. she would always be off to the side, watching, listening in on conversations going on between the senior warriors. she was more interested in clan business then playing and enjoying herself.
not many warriors had faith in amberpaw when she first became an apprentice; they all figured she would be lazy breaking the warrior code, and not a very good listener. not many were willing to offer to be her mentor, so finally her leader picked a senior warrior that was on his last days, about to be moved into the elder's den in a few moons. looking back on it now, amberblaze knows that if she wouldn't of had deadeye as a mentor, she wouldn't be the warrior she is today. of course, even as an apprentice, amberpaw knew the warrior code by heart, and wouldn't even dare think about breaking it.
at first, deadeye was reluctant to bring amberpaw out and bring her training. like all the other warriors, he figured she was some troublemaker that wouldn't follow his orders and would do everything in their power to aggravate him. amberpaw didn't know why any of her clan mates were putting a label on her. she hadn't done anything wrong as a kit. she just didn't feel the need to play, she liked to listen to conversations and watch the other kit's moves, taking in their faults and what they did right as they went.
finally when deadeye decided that he though he could trust her enough to take her out of the camp, he decided he wanted to take her to the training hollow. he, or well, nobody really, had ever seen her fight. it wasn't that amberpaw was against violence, she just thought unnecessary violence was pointless. as they approached the hollow, deadeye spoke to amberpaw in a rough, almost raspy voice, "fighting and hunting are the things warriors need to know and be the best at. if you can't fight, then how will you protect your clan from challengers? if you can;t hunt how will you make sure your clan doesn't die from starvation?" amberpaw was silent, but the way she looked, deadeye knew she had taken everything of what he just said in and was processing it, really thinking it over. at that point, hew knew amberpaw could be a great warrior one day.
when they finally approached the training hollow, deadeye walked to the middle of it and turned, thrashing his tail as he looked at amberpaw. "attack me," he had told her, and when she just stood there, he thought she wasn't going to do it. he looked away for one second and was knocked over by the weight of another cat being thrown into him. almost as soon as that happened, deadeye regained his balance as all four of amberpaw's thrashed out, sheathed, aiming for his side. deadeye lunged and fell on top of her, pinning her. amberpaw reached up with her hind legs and started raking his belly with the soft pads of her paws. deadeye finally got up, purring. "good job" "they always say to never take your eyes off the enemy," amberpaw said, the first thing she had said all day.
as amberpaw's apprenticeship went on, deadeye found her strengths and weaknesses, and when he did, he would share them with her. because of her size, he said she would never be good in combat, but that she would have to use her speed to get to the other warrior, lay her mark, and then get away as fast as she could. but because she was so small, it was easier for her to hide downwind of her prey, and a lot easier to sneak up on them.
it took seven moons, but amberpaw finally became a warrior. she was given the warrior name amberblaze, and took her vigil very seriously, guarding her camp and not speaking a word. even though if one looked at her, they could tell she was excited by the way her tail was twitching, and the muscles all along her body never really looked relax. amberblaze took the warrior status seriously, never breaking the warrior code even if given the opportunity. she hunted for her clan, and fought with all her might, no matter how small she was. just by looking at her, everybody knew she was going to go far, just because of her devotion.
and going far she did. twenty moons after being named a warrior, she was made into a deputy. she served her clan well. she was very proud of herself, and honestly couldn't believe that she, amberblaze, was named to be the next leader of thunderclan. she wasn't deputy long, though. due to an unfortunate accident, only after thirteen moons of her being deputy, was she named leader of thunderclan. it's been less than half a moon since she's been back from the moonstone receiving her nine lives.
REASON FOR NAME: amberstar was named amberkit because she's completely amber, which isn't too common for cats. her fur was completely amber, for the exception of the darker amber stripes, as were her eyes. when they gave her her warrior name, amberblaze, they gave her 'blaze' standing for the deep tabby markings she had. they reminded her leader something of fire. amberstar now has the suffix 'star' for her leader status.